"A story with a moral appended is like the bill of a mosquito. It bores you, and then injects a stinging drop to irritate your conscience." ~O. Henry, "The Gold that Glittered," Strictly Business [1910]

Welcome Digital Storytellers!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Defined, digital story telling is the art of combining narrative with digital media such as images, sound, and video to create a short story. 

More than a simple slideshow set to music, digital storytelling weaves together various media to enhance and deepen the experience of telling a story.

The Seven Key Elements of Digital Storytelling...

1.  Point of View:  Outlines the point of the story and the perspective from which the story is told.
2.  A Dramatic Question:  Sets the tension of the story by identifying issues to be resolved.
3.  Emotional content:  Engages the audience through common emotions and themes [love, pain, humor].
4.  The gift of your voice:  Helps the audience make meaning of images.
5.  The power of the soundtrack:  Sets the mood of the story.
6.  Economy:  Balances the auditory and visual tracks of meaning.
7.  Pacing:  Sustains the attention of the audience by establishing and modifying the rhythm of the story.
[adapted from Digital Storytelling Cookbook, Lambert, 2006.]

"Let Out the Creative Beast!"